SCG Charlotte is in the books. Grixis Shadow and Eldrazi Tron were the tournament’s clear winners, both in terms of representation and apparent power. But while everyone was distracted by that onslaught of under-costed threats, a smaller tournament was underway. Despite being won by Grixis Shadow, the Charlotte Classic yielded a few especially sweet brews, […]
Through the Breach
After GP San Antonio revealed some new information about Modern, Brian shares his picks for cards to buy in anticipation of future gains.
Mike breaks down the most important cards that might have been overlooked for reprint in Modern Masters 2017.
Modern Masters 2017 has changed the Modern market, but metagame trends are making their own impact…
Adam explains recent Modern market and metagame trends, and shares some potential specs…
Mike is back with another look at Modern Masters 2017 and the spoilers we’ve seen so far!
Mike attempts to scry the future today, giving his predictions of which mythics will be (or should be) in Modern Masters 2017.
Brian shares a wide-lens perspective on how he sees Magic finance changing of late, and where to direct our speculative energies in response.
Adam explains how Modern is reacting to Aether Revolt and the recent bannings, plus some of the opportunities that have come up in response.
Aether Revolt’s Fatal Push and the bannings of Gitaxian Probe and Golgari-Grave Troll mean big things for the Modern market…
Over the years, Magic finance has changed many times in response to new market realities. Brian believes we’re witnessing another major shift that merits attention.
Through the Breach has become a staple of Modern Valakut decks, and Simian Spirit Guide has been adopted to facilitate more turn three kills.
Join Sylvain for another week of high-stakes bankroll management on MTGO. He goes over the latest buys and sells and provides the reasoning behind them.