Join Sylvain for another week of high-stakes bankroll management on MTGO. He goes over the latest buys and sells and provides the reasoning behind them.
Through the Breach
It has been quite a while since many rares from Kamigawa block have been printed, and Modern relevance has a way of exploding their price points.
Matthew Lewis presents the MTGO Market Report for this week, evaluating important events in the online market and highlighting a “trade of the week.”
Three Grand Prix in the books and many hot Modern cards coming to the surface! Sheridan points you to big winners after the Modern weekend.
Here at Deck of the Week we’ve focused,Ā mostly by design,Ā on the no-tierĀ dregs and the brewers’ oddities. Today I wanted to highlight a deck that, havingĀ fallenĀ from itsĀ Tier 2 showing in May, has nonethelessĀ stillĀ been making the rounds in competitive play. The deck I’m calling RG Valakut looks to have some realĀ chops in Modern. Over the last four […]
As Dredge continues its march to Modern’s top, Sheridan is here to help you buy the anti-Dredge staples you’ll need to beat the new menace.
With the addition of new Shadows over Innistrad staples, Dredge is making waves in Modern. Sheridan advises how to invest intelligently in the new powerhouse.
Eldritch Moon previews start in earnest today, but last week brought five early spoilers to get us excited. Sheridan evaluates them for Modern today.
Eldritch Moon previews start today, but before we know a single card Sheridan is here to point out some hot spec targets.
Join Sylvain for another week of high-stakes bankroll management on MTGO. He goes over the latest buys and sells and provides the reasoning behind them.
Join Sylvain for another week of high-stakes bankroll management on MTGO. He goes over the latest buys and sells and provides the reasoning behind them.
Just in time for the dual Grand Prix weekend, Adam identifies some Modern cards with bright futures ahead of them!
Fresh off a Top 8 at SCG Indy, Ryan offers insight into Grixis Delver and the state of the Modern format, along with some key financial takeaways.