
tide shaper

As the paper release date for Modern Horizons 2 approaches, brewing and testing new decks is kicking into high gear. Players are eager to display their creations and figure out what Modern actually looks like after a year with paper play and numerous new sets. The online metagame is as always suggestive, but provably inbred […]

All decks aren’t created equal: some are Splinter Twin, others are Mono-Green Aura Stompy. The same goes for every set: some are Dominaria, others Legions. Thus, the impact of every new set will be felt unequally both by Modern as a whole and by individual decks. Not every set can have Modern-playable cards, and not every […]

The bars are opening, and with them, certain among the FNM registry’s many stinky basements. In other words, it’s officially Christmas. And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, well, it’s time to start: Modern Horizons 2 is fully spoiled as of yesterday! On that note, I’m thrilled to welcome you, fellow Modern fanatic, to the first […]

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