Modern Horizons 2 is scheduled to be released on June 18, 2021, and the Quiet Speculation team is hyped! Joe takes a look at the highlights from each day of spoilers and helps you prepare for release day.
Titania Protector of Argoth
Rob caps the week off with his freaky Friday safe pick here on the Daily Stock Watch!
Commander 2018 spoilers have stimulated demand for a ton of cards expected to pair well with the deck themes. Adam covers all the details.
Magic finance inspiration can come when you least expect it. While wandering the grocery store, Sigmund recently discovered an interesting opportunity involving Commander 2014 decks.
Much like with Nekusar or Omnath, the Commander community is abuzz with excitement surrounding The Gitrog Monster. David looks at some juicy speculation targets that pair well with the newcomer.
Derek covers a variety of topics straight from the trade floors of SCG Indianapolis, including the disturbing appearance of fake dual lands on the trade floor.