
Traverse the Ulvenwald

Move over, Shiloh—It’s Modern season! The next few weeks in my calendar are full of Modern PPTQs, Opens, and GPs, and I think I finally know what to sleeve up. Two weeks ago, I introduced Traverse Delver, a mid-game-focused, Traverse the Ulvenwald/Bedlam Reveler-powered grow deck that finally solved Temur Delver’s miserable Jund matchup. It did so for a hefty […]

I remember scrolling through Eldritch Moon spoilers and passing over Bedlam Reveler, the last card I hadn’t read that day. The image was in Portuguese, and my hopes were low. “A 3/4 for 8,” I actually thought to myself. “There’s no way I could ever have a use for this card.” But I read it anyway, and […]

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