When buyouts occur, strange pricing trends can result. But a few trends in particular are causing Sig to scratch his head. This week he shares the discrepancies and tries to explain why his observations stand out.
Tropical Island
In response to The Professor at Tolarian Community College’s recent video on the Reserved List, David provides his perspective on the subject and why he disagrees.
Every 18-24 months, certain cards go through a period of growth. The next cycle is happening now, and we’re seeing pockets of strength in the market. This week, Sig highlights a few cards that may be overheated and could be sold into strength to raise cash.
When asked to write about COVID-19’s impact on Magic, Sig did his best to speculate on potential outcomes. Now, two weeks later, the pandemic’s impact has come more into focus, and Sig has a clearer viewpoint on how this is likely to unfold in the world of Magic finance.
It’s unavoidable: the Coronavirus is all over the news. Things can become quite dire, and Magic is far from important in the grand scheme of things. However, this is a Magic website–this week Sig explores the virus’s potential impact to MTG finance from both an optimist’s and a pessimist’s lens.
Enough warning can never be given when it comes to counterfeits–they will always be a risk to Magic economy’s health. By being more savvy when shopping for high-end cards, and avoiding certain traps, one can avoid much of the counterfeit risk that haunts Magic.
Tournament Magic will always have its place. But when it comes to game play hours, kitchen table Magic dwarfs the tournament scene. This explains why so many non-tournament legal cards are valuable. This week Sig explores some of the most desirable, which may make for good long-term investments.
While the stock market breaks records, many components of the Magic market are well off of their highs. This has created some real buying opportunities. This week Sig shares some of his favorite pick-ups as well as where to buy them at the best price.
Spoiler season is about to begin…again! Between War of the Spark, Modern Horizons, and Core Set 2020, how does anyone have any money left to buy new Magic cards? Perhaps they don’t. This week Sig examines potential long-term implications of these competing set releases.
The one-week rule is handy when trying to navigate buyouts on newer cards. But what about the much older, rarer Reserved List cards? MTG finance buyouts can disrupt an RL card’s price for months. Fortunately, Sig has some good news to share in this week’s edition of “Beating the Buyouts”.
The rare Legacy GP event occurred this weekend, taken down by UW Stoneblade. Christopher takes stock of the format and considers some cards in good position to rise.
Eddie has decided to take a break from writing, but not before leaving us with one more article. Today he discusses Mythic Championship Cleveland and the London mulligan rule.