Time Spiral Remastered spoiler season is here and the Quiet Speculation team is hyped! Joe takes a look at the highlights from the set and talks about which Timeshifted cards he’s most excited for.
True-Name Nemesis
Modern Horizons Flashback Drafts hit MTGO! Kyle reexamines the key cards Modern Horizons on MTGO, and a few sleeper hits with high upside.
The first week of the entirely new Modern is over and nobody has any idea where we’re heading. So far all the excitement has been focused on the unbanning, and with good reason. I imagine most players are as tired as I am of the graveyard heavy format we’ve had for the past year and […]
The rare Legacy GP event occurred this weekend, taken down by UW Stoneblade. Christopher takes stock of the format and considers some cards in good position to rise.
Yesterday, Wizards unveiled Modern Horizons, an “innovation product” like Conspiracy and Battlebond. Its purpose: to bypass Standard and supplement Modern with new cards, both those currently illegal from pre-8th Edition sets and some that are newly designed. A couple of the new cards were spoiled on the stream. Today’s article evaluates the spoiled cards and […]
Modern Horizons, the new London Mulligan rule, and premier-level events are important factors driving the Magic market this week and beyond. Adam tells you what you need to know.
This week, Eddie takes a deeper look into how Ravnica Allegiance is starting to affect all formats, along with his resulting portfolio updates.
Eddie takes a look at some cards to pick up during the winter lull, and prepares us for more Ravnica Allegiance spoiler speculation.