Ryan unveils his monoblue Trading Post deck and outlines why it is arguably the best version of the deck.
Tumble Magnet
Mark reviews the full spoiler of M13 and analyzes its impact on Standard. What cards will we no longer have after rotation? And what their replacements, if any?
Last week Mike described how he choose a deck for a full weekend of Standard tournaments, including the WMCQ and a PTQ. Today he describes the games in detail and tells us how he fared.
Mike Lanigan runs over updates to his Green-White Token deck and makes an argument for attending a large tournament sometime this year.
Ryan’s back, and he’s doing his thing reviewing the latest set for Commander and constructed goodies! Think you’ll agree with everything?
The first of two articles today in anticipation of Monday’s Banning announcement. Will Jace, the Mind Sculptor stay legal? What about Stoneforge Mystic? Brook Gardner-Durbin explores what options will be available to you if either or both of the above get the axe!
Mike Lanigan discusses the impact of the cards of New Phyrexia on Standard’s Vampire archetype.
With the exception of Splinter-Twin, however, the new metagame is very similar to the metagame before rotation. Edgar Flores won the first SCG Open with NPH legal with a UW CawBlade list that looked very similar to the pre-rotation lists. In this metagame there are a number of cards that are being underplayed, in my opinion, and here are the top 5.
We’ve had 2 weeks of Opens to see the impact New Phyrexia has had on the Standard and Legacy tournament scenes. I’m going to focus on Standard, since the Grand Prix this weekend is Legacy, and will almost certainly have more players than the SCG Open series gets. Waiting on that will give us a bit of a better view on the format. However, for Standard, there’s no reason to wait, especially since the format hasn’t really undergone much of a change.
We get back to the Hunt with a all new GR aggro list developed by Kellen’s new mtg team. Fast kills are the name of the game in this deck feature.
With a new format becoming available for the first time Friday, it’s time to take a quick look at what’s available. For the most part, these will be aggro or combo decks, since control decks need to be built towards the metagame. As it stands, Caw-Blade is the premiere control deck in the format, and it can be played as-is with the mere addition of Batterskull.