Knight of the Reliquary plus Retreat to Coralhelm was a “combo” idea kicked around for Modern, and this weekend the concept Top 4’d a Legacy Open.
The much-anticipated Eternal Weekend generates buzz and interest in Vintage and Legacy each year. On the eve of the event, Brian DeMars highlights five picks that should be on your radar.
Brian spent the past weekend winning Eternal Weekend byes and trading at Gen Con. Tune in this week to learn about the takeaways he picked up from the floor!
Collected Company continues to climb in price. Just how high will it go?
Mike Lanigan presents a swath of interesting and powerful decks in Tiny Leaders as an introduction to the format. You’ll have to be prepared to face these staple generals.
If you enjoy Legacy Miracles, then Shu Yun might be the leader for you.
Matthew Lewis and Sylvain Lehoux cover the MTGO Market Report for this week, with a discussion of the latest trends and recommendations for buys and sells.
Sigmund believes the MTG Market is moving higher, but don’t buy everything you can get hands on. This week he compares a couple options, highlighting why he likes some cards more than others despite their shared upward movement.
There were two MTG finance headlines from SCG Indy last weekend. Sigmund was astonished to find a vendor using Amazon pricing, but story that was trumped by the fake duals circulating through trade binders. Read on for Sigmund’s take.
Treasure Cruise and Dig Through time were both banned in Modern, so why was Dig Through Time untouched in Legacy?
Adam retells the many storylines of Grand Prix New Jersey. He also shares the top-performing decklists, reveals the secrets they hold, and explains their metagame position moving forward.
Adam explains why two red Modern and Legacy sideboard staples were among the biggest financial gainers this past week. Don’t miss him share his pick for the best deck in Standard and his Legacy recommendation for Grand Prix: New Jersey this weekend!
Ryan dissects his thoughts on the Legacy cards currently being overplayed and underplayed in the post-Khans environment.