Joe aka “Beardy” examines more cards for your Commander table, including a one-generic-mana artifact that plays the best politics and a walking Black Lotus.
Turn // Burn
Brian DeMars introduces his brainchild Magic variant, the Danger Room. He shares his current list and the philosophy behind it, before looking at Origins for new additions.
Ryan’s arm has been twisted enough for him to give. He has a Tiny Leaders decklist and he’s ready to battle!
Ryan examines the first waves of spoilers for potential gems.
Ryan recounts his experience playing Standard this past weekend at the SCG in Wisconsin.
TL: DR; You probably just pack a lot of burn and hope for the best. There. You don’t even need to read this article now.
Jason Alt discusses the latest self-fulfilling finance prophecies to come true of late, then jumps into decklists from GP Kansas City and SCG Worchester.
Full-on combo may not be viable in Standard right now, but Izzet Blitz does a fine impression. Mike Lanigan looks at the deck and discusses its strengths and weaknesses.