turn four rule | Quiet Speculation https://www.quietspeculation.com Play More, Win More, Pay Less Fri, 14 Jul 2017 18:18:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.quietspeculation.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/favicon.png turn four rule | Quiet Speculation https://www.quietspeculation.com 32 32 Death’s Shadow: Hero or Villain? Metagame Impacts https://www.quietspeculation.com/2017/07/deaths-shadow-hero-or-villain-metagame-impacts/ https://www.quietspeculation.com/2017/07/deaths-shadow-hero-or-villain-metagame-impacts/#comments Fri, 14 Jul 2017 18:18:02 +0000 http://quietspeculation.com/?p=14866 The "Death's Shadow is the best deck" narrative we saw emerge in force around Grand Prix Vancouver has now split, with some claiming Eldrazi Tron is in fact the best deck. I tend to agree with the former, and will softly make a case for that inclination in this article. Regardless, we can surely agree […]

The post Death’s Shadow: Hero or Villain? Metagame Impacts first appeared on Quiet Speculation.

https://www.quietspeculation.com/2017/07/deaths-shadow-hero-or-villain-metagame-impacts/feed/ 16
Fixing Modern: Pro Tour Ends and New Beginnings (Part 2) https://www.quietspeculation.com/2016/05/fixing-modern-nine-format-guidelines/ https://www.quietspeculation.com/2016/05/fixing-modern-nine-format-guidelines/#comments Wed, 11 May 2016 16:00:00 +0000

Between the Platinum fee changes, the ensuing #PayThePros fallout, and Wizards' subsequent retraction, it's no wonder most Magic and Modern players have lost sight of Aaron Forsythe's seminal article, "Where Modern Goes from Here," released that same week. Talk about getting overshadowed. I can only imagine how the poor documentarians behind Enter the Battlefield felt […]

The post Fixing Modern: Pro Tour Ends and New Beginnings (Part 2) first appeared on Quiet Speculation.

https://www.quietspeculation.com/2016/05/fixing-modern-nine-format-guidelines/feed/ 8
Understanding the Turn Four Rule https://www.quietspeculation.com/2015/12/understanding-the-turn-four-rule/ https://www.quietspeculation.com/2015/12/understanding-the-turn-four-rule/#comments Fri, 18 Dec 2015 17:00:01 +0000

The January 18 banlist announcement is now a month and a day away. If you play Modern, there's an excellent chance the inquisitors of the Modern community will scrutinize at least one of your decks. Probably all of them. Since December 1 alone, I've seen serious ban discussion aimed at Burn, URx Twin, BGx Midrange, Affinity, […]

The post Understanding the Turn Four Rule first appeared on Quiet Speculation.

https://www.quietspeculation.com/2015/12/understanding-the-turn-four-rule/feed/ 21