Spoiler season is rolling on. However, my prediction at the end of last week’s article has been holding: Core 2021 spoiled the obviously Modern-playable cards early. Sure, there have been plenty of interesting cards, but they’re all role-players or interesting build-arounds rather than massive shake-ups. And that’s rather welcome, considering how often Modern’s been churned up […]
Krark-Clan Ironworks is now banned in Modern. Despite its dominance on the tournament scene, though, the deck failed to stamp out the format’s trademark diversity and innovation. Plenty of decks and deckbuilders brought exciting new tech to the tables this month, and we’ll ring in the new year right by unearthing some of it today. Tempo: […]
Star Wars comes out this week. It’s been hard to think of anything else. If you’re coming for more deep insights then you should probably close the browser now. I was planning on another deep analysis piece like the last two weeks but, well…I couldn’t focus because Star Wars comes out this week. I couldn’t […]
Last week, I wrote an article detailing the history behind Modern’s extensive banlist, complete with Wizards’ official announcements and an analysis of each. This was, by far, my most popular article to date in the almost six months that I’ve been writing for Modern Nexus. This week, I plan on approaching another Modern topic in similar […]
I’m getting spoiled with all this Modern event data. November brought us the Regional Pro Tour Qualifier circuit, nonstop StarCityGames Qualifiers, and a massive North American Grand Prix in Pittsburgh. Those data-Scrooges at Wizards even started releasing MTGO League decklists! Between crunching those numbers, speculating about the new Grand Prix promo card, and sitting back […]
On Monday morning, one of my Magic friends asked me to share my favorite moment from Grand Prix Pittsburgh. That was like asking ten-year-old me what I wanted for my birthday. Was it Craig Wescoe finally doing justice to the obscure albeit awesome GW Hatebears? A Jeskai Twin deck (yep, Jeskai) not just making Top 8 […]
*Normally I post my Video Series on Monday, with my text article on Thursday, but with Thanksgiving this week we’re bumping my text piece to today and postponing the Video Series until next Monday. If this tortures your soul let my boss know so I can make more videos! This past weekend, Modern players worldwide […]
September 2015 will always be remembered as the month where Lantern Control won a Modern Grand Prix. If that’s not the sign of a diverse metagame, then I don’t know what it is. The last month saw a lot of movement around our tier 1 and tier 2 decks, all of which you can check […]
Modern offseasons lead to weird metagames. Following the nonstop action in the June Grand Prix circuit, Pro-level Modern mostly wound down for the rest of the summer, a lull broken only by the SCG Modern Open in Charlotte. August saw a ton of PPTQs, IQs, and other regional events, but each had a different local flavor and […]