If you’re getting into Standard, you can’t just expect to flip the deck later to recuperate your entry price. Danny Brown breaks down the cost and expected buylist price for the major Standard decks.
Mike Lanigan goes over the results from the Pro Tour, discussing both the Standard metagame as it is shaping up, and the financial implications.
Here’s a breakdown of the decks that made the top eight of Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir, with some things to consider should you be considering playing any of them.
Ryan missed the boat on Treasure Cruise, but now’s the time to explore the full potential of the delve mechanic. Find out his thoughts on why delve will impact every constructed format!
With Khans fully integrated into the Standard environment, it’s time to sleeve up and test out the newest decks in tournament mode. Ryan reflects on his experience with Black Beatdown this past weekend and proposes a new direction for it.
Adam studied financial trends, articles, and social media to reach this list of sleepers with rising stock this post-rotation Standard season. Keep an eye on them, because they could easily be the next big thing.
Mike Lanigan looks at the leading contenders in the brand new Khans Standard. You can expect to face off against these decks in the early weeks, so don’t come unprepared.
With less than half of Khans of Tarkir spoiled, the future of Standard is starting to shape up and the key players have potentially already made their appearance. This week Ryan continues to flesh out the format and identifies currently legal cards you should have in your collection.
Sylvain gives us an update on the price of M15 rares and gets ready to follow his investing strategy. He also offers his thoughts on Goblin Rabblemaster, the most expensive M15 rare so far.
With a pretty stagnant Standard format, Mike Lanigan has been turning his eye to Modern. He shares some new lists that have popped up, as well as his own innovations.
This week Ryan looks at the recent evolution of Nissa in Standard and examines what seems to be the natural phases of deck evolution, reflecting on his recent experiences in tweaking working lists.