Carlos develops another Second Sunrise deck, this time with Vish Kal at the helm. Find out how profitable sacrificing your own creatures can be.
Comicon is in full swing and the Magic announcements just happened. This week, I’ll be looking at the unconfirmed rumors about reprints, first-time prints and what we can anticipate from Return To Ravnica.
Back to form, Carlos discusses a combo deck that animates lands and puts them on the chopping block. How does one win after ‘geddoning oneself into oblivion? Read on to find out.
This week, we are looking at Planar Chaos, the second set in the nostalgia-heavy Time Spiral block.
The commanders in Innistrad all state they’re not dead. Jules digs to the bottom of this.
The Devil’s come to collect his due: everything you own for the next six cards.
Neale polishes off the competitive commanders, and opens the floor for Azuza lists! Think you have the most savage green machine?
In the world of Dragons, everyone can hear you scream but it doesn’t matter one bit. Robert shares some Dragon chemistry around Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund, taking us from small-time ideas to a big-time deck list!
Sol’Kanar is firmly three colors, right? Robert takes us on a brief journey through the world of a monocolored deck for a multicolored Commander! Swamps lie ahead!
Neale’s back with a new deck to tune! He starts with a controlling Korlash build and ends fawning over Dralnu and Jin-Gitaxias. You’ll have to read to find out why!
Take one part ‘awesome customization’ and add two parts ‘hopes and dreams’ to make… what Jules has for you today! Can you guess what’s inside?
Competitive Commander. Neale is no oxymoron, and these six decks are out to kill you. Find out what they are and how to stop them!