Modern Horizons 3 has released and the metagame has dramatically shifted. There’s a large problem looming over Modern, but the metagame is looking healthy.
Urza’s Saga
Violent Outburst is banned, and the Modern metagame is adjusting. However, from the data it’s clear that players have little idea which direction it’s heading.
There is a clear metagame warp in January’s data. However, it appears to be driven less by actual metagame forces than Magic Online being Magic Online.
August was… unexpected. Wizards threw everyone off with their Ban Day decisions. Bans were expected in Standard (based on Wizards’ own statements) and hoped for in multiple other formats. Instead, Modern and Legacy saw unbans. The impact this has had will be on display in this metagame update.
Modern has finally achieved critical mass… of legends! Mox Amber holds together a five-color pile that can grind out anything with its top-down engine-focus.
Everyone has their favorite formats. In his first article, Mapson tells us why Modern and Legacy are his. He also gives us his lists for the weekend.
What is the best deck in Modern? There are many possible answers, but David E. has the data-driven case for Murktide being the best deck in Modern today.
March of the Machine may have seemed underwhelming during spoiler season, but David E. has found had surprising luck testing cards in Modern… even a battle!
The end of the year means an update to the Modern Ban Watchlist. The metagame has failed to deal with its outliers and so corrective bans may be incoming.
Modern’s metagame has been shaken up repeatedly, but that’s not obvious looking at winning decks. Modern is thus in a complicated place, as David E. explains.