Adam shares results from resent Japanese Modern tournaments and explores a Modern deck list that might be ahead of the curve.
Verdant Catacombs
This week Zwischenzug digitally sleeves up Living End. Leave a comment for your chance to win a Vintage Master’s Pack!
Alexander Carl takes on the volatile Vintage Masters market. Where is the value? When should you buy Power? And what other opportunities are presenting themselves?
Paul plays his take on Angel-Pod, a recent variation of what is widely considered the best deck in Modern: Melira-Pod.
Magic Online’s Player of the Year and 24th place finisher at PT:Atlanta brews up a Midrange Gifts deck that puts up good results. The list could be tweaked in a dozen different directions–can you find a good improvement to it?
Ryan Overturf discusses his performance at GP Minneapolis with Izzet Delver, and covers an interesting Modern build making use of Eidolon of the Great Revel.
Vintage Masters has already been a wild ride so far. As the spoilers roll in, what can you do to protect and grow your portfolio?
Today Alexander Carl interviews Vintage guru Stephen Menendian! Read on for their discussion of the impending release of Vintage Masters and the future of the format online.
When it comes to the topic of sideboarding, you have to prepare for almost anything. Ryan highlights some strange scenarios and offers insight into the question “What do I do when…?”
Watch and learn from Magic Online’s Player of the Year as he brews up a deck that can obliterate the opponent’s board.
Dylan Beckham believes Loxodon Smiter is uniquely positioned in Modern right now. Read on for his new build of Jund sporting the elephant.
Watch and learn from Zwischenzug as he attempts to find a home in Modern for the powerful Phyrexian Obliterator. Over 90 minutes of game play video!