
Verdant Catacombs

The next few short weeks, this CawBlade deck continued to dominate tournaments from local FNM’s to large Star City Games hosted events everywhere. The young mage, Mike Lanigan, read articles, built decks, and tried his best to build a comparable strategy that could take down this “Jund-like” beast (or “Faerie-like” if you prefer).

Gotta love the bad guys, this week Kellen goes into the ichor oiled waters and tries an assortment of standard deck lists involving infect. Who says your opponent’s at 20?

My name is Joshua Justice. I’m technically a “Magic Pro” because I won a PTQ last year and made Day Two at Pro Tour: Amsterdam. In reality, I’m just a weekend grinder who’s been back in the game for a little over a year, and I’ve had a couple of successful tournaments. This story begins two weeks before Grand Prix: Atlanta, in a comic shop called The DeeP in Huntsville, Alabama. My plan that day was to play in a Grand Prix Trial, then move to Atlanta to start my new job.

[…] One thing I think many people underestimate is Mythic’s ability to last in a long game, which is its biggest asset against Control. Between your Planeswalkers and manlands, it’s not hard to have a significant board presence with only one or two creatures committed. The Knights, in particular, are frequently quite large, which lets you play out a single threat at a time and make the opponent answer it before committing another. […]

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