Ryan evolved his UWR Control list from last week, drawing inspiration from the winner of SCG Dallas this past Saturday.
Voice of Resurgence
Jason Alt explains what we can learn about Modern Masters from reddit and dissects results from GP Guadalajara and SCG Dallas.
Modern Masters spoilers are pouring in now – such news is sure to send the market into a tizzy. Sigmund provides his recommendations to proceed and he also provides commentary on last weekend’s lack-of-Legacy SCG Open.
It’s time for Matthew Lewis’s review of every mythic rare in Dragon’s Maze. He discusses which are under- or overpriced and what to target.
Thragtusk is yet again dominating Standard. Mike Lanigan attempts to solve the format with a series of decks well-positioned against the card.
It was a big weekend for tournament Magic, from a SCG Open in Nashville all the way up to the Pro Tour itself. Jason Alt brings you all the results fit to print.
Mike Lanigan takes two popular Standard decks and mashes them together, peanut-butter-and-chocolate-like. Read on for the resulting brew.
Jason suggests keeping abreast of the metagame may provide a lot of insight into speculation targets, then (conveniently) covers decks from the weekend.
So much has been going on in the world of MTG Finance. Sigmund brings you up to speed on Dragon Maze in Standard and random spikes in Legacy cards and discloses his biggest bet ever in MTG Speculation.
Jason Alt weighs in on the question of time spent sorting cards to buylist before examining the state of post-Dragon’s Maze Standard.
The MTG market is incredibly complex, which inevitably leads to some opportunities to maximize value in surprising places. But before diving in, Sigmund wants to emphasize the time it may take for such optimization, and why such opportunities remain untapped for a reason. Sigmund also reviews the past weekend’s premier of Dragon’s Maze and which cards made a splash.
Gearing up for Dragon’s Maze prerelease events on MTGO, Matthew Lewis describes which cards are worthy of attention from speculators.
Mike Lanigan surveys Dragon’s Maze for some notable cards and offers his thoughts on their possibilities in Standard.