Carlos tackles one of the most difficult questions facing the Commander community today: How can we reconcile different expectations of competitiveness while ensuring everyone is having fun?
Voidmage Prodigy
As a rule Carlos isn’t a fan of countermagic, but this weeks he goes off the deep end with a deck that tries to counter all the spells! Check out Ertai, the Corrupted and his horde of Merfolk minions!
If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. If you teach a man to build a budget fish deck, he wins Commander games for the rest of his life. You know Carlos is bringing the heat with Sygg!
Doug tackles the back half of Onslaught this week. Find out the best cards to make money on, from a tribal Crusade to a hungry, hungry Baloth!
Competitive Commander. Neale is no oxymoron, and these six decks are out to kill you. Find out what they are and how to stop them!