Neale’s back with a new deck to tune! He starts with a controlling Korlash build and ends fawning over Dralnu and Jin-Gitaxias. You’ll have to read to find out why!
Volrath’s Stronghold
What’s resilient to hate, eats multiplayer tables alive, and locks down the game on a dime? A five-color, Child of Alara led land deck of course!
Neale brings you one vision, one goal, one overriding, dominating objective: blue mages must die.
Today we’ll begin a thorough dissection of Magic’s five colors, perfect for newcomers and a refreshing review for veterans. After exploring the Color Wheel, we’ll move onto the series’ first installment. You’ll find all the Green cards you can expect to see in Legacy alongside decklists galore.
Take one part ‘awesome customization’ and add two parts ‘hopes and dreams’ to make… what Jules has for you today! Can you guess what’s inside?
You read the title. Do you think you really know the conclusion? Robert takes a Commander taboo head-on; you need to see this!
With a tale of two Commander decks, Neale shares everything that’s right and wrong in Commander!
Competitive Commander. Neale is no oxymoron, and these six decks are out to kill you. Find out what they are and how to stop them!
Control Magic and Dominate sure are sexy. Our newest Commander writer, Robert Davis, is here to share what’s better instead!
Neale is new to QS but not to Commander, and wastes no time jumping into his first rule: play to win.
Cube systems? How do they work?