Brian DeMars introduces his brainchild Magic variant, the Danger Room. He shares his current list and the philosophy behind it, before looking at Origins for new additions.
Warleaders Helix
Adam played in a Modern PTQ and an invitation-only Standard tournament last weekend, and today he shares select tales from the experiences. Followed by an analysis of his local Standard event and results of GP Utrecht in the wake of PT M15, Adam reaches some startling conclusions about the Standard metagame.
Alexander Carl takes a look at some common speculation mistakes and what we can learn from them to improve our returns.
Today Mike Lanigan wraps up his review of M15 for Standard and Constructed playability, covering red, black, colorless and gold cards.
Ryan examines the first waves of spoilers for potential gems.
Mike looks at 3 Standard deck lists that break out of the typical metagame, building around a potent and dangerous Archangel of Thune core that can end games in short order.
Ryan recounts his experience playing Standard this past weekend at the SCG in Wisconsin.
TL: DR; You probably just pack a lot of burn and hope for the best. There. You don’t even need to read this article now.
Jason Alt discusses the thorny difference between speculation and plain old making money, before covering the decks and tournaments from the weekend.
Ryan breaks down two PTQ experiences he recently had with his Standard Burn deck.
Ryan points his spells to the dome with an update of his Standard Burn deck.
Play mistakes in Magic are about as common as Magic players themselves. Mike Lanigan breaks down the different types and some tips to improve your game.
Ryan adapts to the new Standard format by exploring a new flavor of R/w: Burn.