Brian considers what cards will appear in Eternal Masters this summer. Modern staples have a solid chance of inclusion, which carries significant financial implications.
Sylvain presents another week of high stakes bankroll management, with a detailed summary of buys and sells from his MTGO portfolio.
The Eternal Masters announcement leaves a lot of questions unanswered. Ryan weighs in on the knowns and unknowns that may affect Legacy’s future.
Alexander Carl returns to QS to discuss the impact Eternal Masters will have on MTGO. This set will be a big one for market movements, so make sure you’re informed.
Matthew Lewis presents the MTGO Market Report for this week, evaluating important events in the online market and highlighting a “trade of the week.”
The newly announced Eternal Masters promises to shake up the eternal market. David presents an initial analysis of the possible inclusions and what to expect from prices.
Discrepancies between different versions of the same card can tell us a lot about their future. Today David looks at Expedition prices and compares them to the original foils.
A firm understanding of market value is essential to distinguish between real demand and hype-based buyouts. David explains how this applies to Modern as we move into a big year for the format.
And they said Wasteland wasn’t Modern legal! Ghost Quarter has been a poor man’s Wasteland replacement for years, but with the recent rise of RG Tron, Bx Eldrazi, and other big-mana strategies, the Dissension uncommon is quickly emerging as a major police card in a format notoriously lacking the generic hate of Legacy. Nowhere was this more […]
Mike Lanigan continues his review of Oath of the Gatewatch with more spoilers. Read on for his thoughts on their overall strength and their future role in Standard.
Matthew Lewis and Sylvain Lehoux present the MTGO Market Report for this week, discussing major price trends and recommending specific cards to buy and sell.
Oath of the Gatewatch brings <> mana to Modern, along with many new synergies waiting to be explored. Sheridan is here to highlight key speculation targets that could rise after Oath’s release!
With the full set of Oath of the Gatewatch Expeditions spoiled, it’s time to start considering their financial footprint. Mike breaks down the whole cycle and offers predictions on the value of each.