Don’t Panic! This catchphrase will be important to repeat to yourself over and over again as we navigate another era of rampant buyouts. This week Sig shares a few strategies to remain disciplined in the face of soaring Magic prices.
Wheel of Fortune
Sig has been very active with ABUGames trade credit arbitrage lately. The once-defunct strategy has become live once again thanks to some recent market trends. This week Sig shares his secrets–with some time and patience, anyone can leverage this same approach to make MTG cheaper.
eBay’s completed listings can provide a reasonable look at old, rare card values. Data from other sources may be insufficient. However, one should not trust eBay completed listings blindly. This week, Sig shares some watchouts when using eBay completed listing data in negotiations.
When buyouts occur, strange pricing trends can result. But a few trends in particular are causing Sig to scratch his head. This week he shares the discrepancies and tries to explain why his observations stand out.
This week, Sig returns to Collectors’ Edition cards, examining how these have responded to recent Reserved List buyouts. Specifically, he points out an interesting gap developing between market pricing and retailer pricing. The trend could make you a little profit.
With all the Reserved List chatter of late, Sig turns introspective and examines his own history with the RL while making his case for its preservation.
Did you know there was a Players Tour event last weekend? Tournament organizers caught on that successful events can still take place over Arena despite COVID-19. As competitive Magic migrates from paper to online, Sig examines how this may further impact card prices.
Sig recently tweeted about some old Star Wars: CCG booster packs he had lying around. The response was surprising, motivating Sig to do research into the out-of-print game. It turns out, it just may be worth your time cleaning out your old CCG’s and listing them for sale on eBay.
The COVID-19 government checks are providing cash to players itching to buy Magic cards. But Sig believes Ikoria may the greatest catalysts for MTG finance in quite some time. This week he touches on the numerous formats impacted by this set.
Asset prices are dropping everywhere. Cash is king. This week Sig examines a strategy whereby he’s raising cash from Magic sales to fund investments in other depressed asset classes. The result will be lower Magic prices, so you should be aware of the trend.
People tend to consider Magic an alternate investment, comparing it to the stock market. But in reality there are some key differences between the two that everyone needs to consider before taking the plunge. This week Sig investigates these differences in a multi-part series.
Tournament Magic will always have its place. But when it comes to game play hours, kitchen table Magic dwarfs the tournament scene. This explains why so many non-tournament legal cards are valuable. This week Sig explores some of the most desirable, which may make for good long-term investments.