Mike regales us with another tale from the world of the PTQ circuit. This time he waxes philosophical about handling loss before describing his recent updates to Wolf Run Blue.
Wild Nacatl
Corbin Hosler breaks down why Avacyn Restored might not affect Standard like the usual third set does, and what it means for you financially!
Mike relates the tale of his exciting journey into the world of Legacy. Read on if you’ve ever wanted to break in to Eternal but didn’t know how.
Sigmund takes a breather from Dark Ascension discussion to turn his attention toward the other evolving subject: Modern! Now that PTQ season is here, do you have the most popular winning cards in your trade binder?
Mike Lanigan breaks down some new Delver lists and gives his opinion on a few spoilers.
Mike Lanigan breaks down his deck choice for a local modern tourney and gives a tournament report on his first foray into modern.
Bloodline Keeper in Standard? Mike Lanigan shows you how and why.
Mike Lanigan takes a look at a post-bannings Modern.
Mark Hinsz recounts this past weekend’s SCG Invitational event, where he piloted Big Zoo in Legacy and Dungrove Elder Wolf Run in Standard, and shares with us his thoughts on the meta and the refreshing philosophical lens he’s recently applied to the game.
Will more Modern bannings shift the metagame once again? Whether or not, Sigmund has some suggestions on which cards you should pick up in preparation for an uncertain future.
Mark Hinsz recounts this past weekend’s expeditions at Star City Games’ Open events, where he placed in the Top 8 in Standard and the Top 16 in Legacy.
Trey Ballew showed up with a homebrew for States in Oklahoma and Top 8’ed with a spicy rogue list! Is this the next breakout deck?