Mike dives deep on Planechase Anthology!
Wirewood Symbiote
Mike provides his Box Report on Eternal Masters, with a full breakdown of all the value contained in six boxes of the new set.
Alexander presents Part 2 of the Eternal Masters draft primer alongside Limited experts Bing Luke and Matthew Watkins.
While Volcanic Island remains expensive, Eternal Masters does actually make Legacy more accessible. Check out Ryan’s advice on strategically buying into the format.
On the eve of Eternal Masters’ release, Alexander enlists the help of two expert drafters to break the set down and get a bead on the winning strategies.
From first foil printings to new artwork, Eternal Masters is brimming with potential value. Mike discusses where to look beyond the obvious Legacy staples.
Wizards has shown a willingness to take risks unbanning powerful cards in Modern. David asks which cards on the banned list may be the next candidate for release.
Julian looks at a Commander deck that may not make any friends, but can certainly win games. If you want to empty your opponents’ hands and leave them devoid of resources, this may be the deck for you.
Mike Lanigan presents a swath of interesting and powerful decks in Tiny Leaders as an introduction to the format. You’ll have to be prepared to face these staple generals.
Adam retells the many storylines of Grand Prix New Jersey. He also shares the top-performing decklists, reveals the secrets they hold, and explains their metagame position moving forward.
Be prepared and get an edge on the opposition by reading Adam’s comprehensive Legacy metagame report! Find a thorough metagame analysis and updated decklists for all major archetypes within.
Nobody wants to buylist a card when the spread is super high–why should the dealer get all the profit? Jason Alt explains why his approach has changed of late, and when to consider shipping those cards anyway.
What’s so great about the Elves vs. Goblins Duel Deck? Let’s check it out.