Word of Seizing
Avacyn Restored offers many new tools for the enterprising Commander brewer. Carlos begins by matching up Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded with an old favorite: Squee!
The second installment of artifact theme decks! This time Carlos is looking at a mono-red deck with Slobad at the helm and with his favorite combo in the 99.
Eventide is packed with some expensive casual and tournament cards. The set contains many enemy-colored cards, from Lieges to filter-lands. The power of the lands, along with Reflecting Pool and the Vivid cycle, let people play essentially anything they wanted in decks.
Tired of the same silly peanut butter spread for your Commander sandwich? Try the velvety Nutella that is an underused commander!
10 Magic players of superior skill enter a single team cube draft. How do you handle the volume without taking up an entire day? Anthony has the clever, and fun, solution of Survivor Draft!
Neale brings you one vision, one goal, one overriding, dominating objective: blue mages must die.