Worst Fears
After a recent foray into the Commander format, Brian shares some financial advice surrounding the format and a few interesting pickups.
Brian DeMars looks at Theros block as it’s about to rotate and asks what cards promise long-term gains. These are the cards you’ll want to target as we move into the summer lull.
Corbin Hosler concludes his article on pickups for rotation this Fall leading into Khans of Tarkir. He explains what he’s targeting from Theros and the reasoning behind his choices.
Corbin Hosler checks in with his set review of Journey Into Nyx to see how his predictions fared this go-around.
Which bulk rares now are tomorrow’s casual all-stars? Corbin Hosler continues his series on casual picks with a review of Theros block.
Corbin Hosler gears up for the prerelease with a review of notable card prices from the new set. What is over- and underpriced, and why?