There are 101 ways to analyze all the data from Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir. Today Sigmund gives you his biggest takeaways from the event, along with what he’s got his eyes on going forward.
Xenagos, the Reveler
Danny Brown gears up for the Pro Tour this weekend with a survey of promising cards and a word of warning about risking cancelled orders by waiting too long.
Adam Yurchick covers some Khans spoilers, looking beyond the fetchlands and gold cards towards the single-colored staples that will help define the Standard format for years to come.
Corbin Hosler concludes his article on pickups for rotation this Fall leading into Khans of Tarkir. He explains what he’s targeting from Theros and the reasoning behind his choices.
With Modern season coming to a close, Ryan looks to the next steps in seasonality. If you’re looking to have your collection primed for playing in a post-rotation Standard, check out the list of cards that Ryan recommends having on deck.
Rotation is right around the corner, and it’s time to begin thinking about what to pick up. Corbin Hosler begins his review this week with Return to Ravnica block and M14.
Corbin covers the financial aftermath of PT M15 and surveys the top decks in Standard to see what they lose post-rotation. Heading into next year, which strategies are poised to gain or lose?
Wizards recently announced an all-Standard roster for the PT next year. Danny Brown discusses the financial implications and picks several cards to watch in the lead-up to rotation.
Ignoring Magic’s price history is a surefire way to make mistakes when speculating. Danny Brown considers his Modern investments in this light, and applies lessons to next year’s Standard.
Danny Brown wraps up his Zero to Draft project from several months ago, and draws lessons from his quest to draft for free for a year.
While Block Pro Tours are not a perfect predictor of post-rotation Standard, they can still provide valuable insights. Danny Brown looks to Atlanta to see what lessons we can draw this year.
Danny details the ways he is able to use every part of the animal, when it comes to drafting with a mind for value.