With The One Ring banned and Energy nerfed, Modern is in an experimental phase. However, the data doesn’t reflect this due to MTGO being the only data source.
Yawgmoth Thran Physician
With Modern Horizons 3 near, the Modern metagame is holding its breath. Players are choosing to play established decks and coast to the metagame’s finish.
Modern’s metagame has fallen back on old favorites. With Modern Horizons 3 coming soon, players are holding their breath for the new shakeup. The data is clear.
Violent Outburst is banned, and the Modern metagame is adjusting. However, from the data it’s clear that players have little idea which direction it’s heading.
I haven’t had to do that many metagame updates for February, it being the month where bans tend to happen. That wasn’t the case this month, though I suspect that the data will add fuel to the banning call fires. I understand, but I’d caution everyone to consider the context before jumping to conclusions. February’s data is defined by the Regional Championships and that created a localized warp.
There is a clear metagame warp in January’s data. However, it appears to be driven less by actual metagame forces than Magic Online being Magic Online.
Time to close the books on 2023. It’s been quite a year. We saw two of the biggest sustained warps in Modern’s history, banned and restricted policy reverted to an earlier form, and we had the first unban since 2019.
With Fury and Up the Beanstalk banned, Modern is set to dramatically change. The data clearly shows how necessary the bans were, though the impact is uncertain.
Modern continues to be dominated to an extreme degree by Scam. There has been innovation in the lower tiers, but it appears that the status quo will persist.
April’s Modern metagame data is deceptive. The tale that the numbers suggest isn’t the story that actually happened. David E has the explanation inside.
April’s Modern Metagame Update shows the top decks settling in while innovation and change rock the lower tiers. And Murktide has a surprise for us, too!
The March Modern Metagame Update is ready. Modern is incredibly stable, and that is translating into highly polarized, and not ideal, data. David E. explains.
The February Modern Metagame Update is here, and its data seems deeply at odds with the claims Wizards made about format win rates. What’s the real story?