Despite being geared mainly at the Legacy crowd, Eternal Masters has some decent cards to offer Modern. Sheridan breaks them down.
Wizards has shown a willingness to take risks unbanning powerful cards in Modern. David asks which cards on the banned list may be the next candidate for release.
David covers the Stock Watch for this month, influenced heavily by big changes to the Standard and Modern formats. He presents the biggest gainers and explains their rise.
The April 4 unbans have all eyes on the new toys for control archetypes, but Sheridan is here to remind you to stay aggressive, proactive, and linear in Modern.
At long last, Eldrazi Winter is at an end. Who will be our new Modern overlords?
The Grand Prix weekend showcased the most broken metagame in Modern’s history. Sheridan looks past the inevitable ban for technology and strategies to invest in before April.
Given its recent performance, Eldrazi looks increasingly likely to eat an April ban. Sheridan is here to show you how you can build the deck assuming something does go.
Eldrazi keeps putting up results in the initial post-PT results online, and Ryan believes the fallout is fast approaching. Here’s how he sees the metagame and market reacting.
Mike sifts through the archetypes that battled through the Eldrazi-infested metagame to a positive finish at the Pro Tour. Could one of these decks dethrone the Eldrazi menace?
For budget-conscious players the recent bannings may have struck a big blow, but you don’t have to quit Modern! Mike explains how to convert Twin and Amulet Bloom into new decks with a few key investments.
Now that Twin is gone, where will the metagame head next? Brian looks at the major archetypes set to benefit and suggests spec targets for each.
The banning of Splinter Twin leaves a hole in Modern that’s sure to fill fast. David highlights the most likely heirs to the throne, and the key cards poised to gain as a result.
Eric Hawkins weighs in on his thoughts on the B&R Update, and provides his prospective Rally list for SCG Atlanta this weekend!