Battle for Zendikar – General Discussion and News
It’s that time again! Chaz starts his financial evaluation of Battle for Zendikar, starting with a list of each mythic by tier and an explanation for his thoughts.
The new set is fully spoiled and Mike Lanigan is ready with his Top 10. These are the cards that will impact Standard the most, so don’t miss out on the action!
With Battle for Zendikar hitting tournaments in October, it’s important that Modern players invest in the old staples that are sure to rise with BFZ’s release. This article gives you the five pickups you need to check out.
Brian believes several cards in BFZ are bucking the presale trend and actually represent good value at current prices. He goes over each pick and explains his reasoning.
Doug Linn tries to get a bead on the new format by examining the outgoing class. What can we learn from this last week of Standard?
Chaz discusses some of the important questions being debated during Battle for Zendikar spoilers, including the effect Expeditions may have on overall set prices.
With much of Battle for Zendikar already spoiled, it’s time to look critically at post-rotation Standard. Ryan dives in and highlights a few cards that may get a boost in the new environment.
Mike Lanigan takes a look at some more Battle for Zendikar previews, evaluating them for Constructed applications.
Battle for Zendikar is right around the corner and hype surrounding the Zendikar Expeditions is high. Brian shares his initial thoughts and financial strategy for the set.