Pat gives us the follow up to his first article on getting started in MTG Finance, with a Commander focused perspective.
War of the Spark broke the Planeswalker rarity barrier, including an unprecedented set of uncommons. What will happen to prices over time? This week Sig takes a look at recent, popular uncommons to inform his predictions for War of the Spark’s uncommon Planeswalkers.
David takes a good look at the upcoming War of the Spark Standard, and cards that could synergize well with Feather, the Redeemed.
Several stores online have begun charging sales tax on Magic singles, with major implications for speculators. Christopher discusses his strategy to address the cost increase.
The market is heating up, but how do you determine the best cards to target? Today Adam shares some techniques he uses and the specs they’ve led to.
Modern reprint sets have often led to price increases by sparking newfound interest in the format. Sig explains why Modern Horizons may have an even larger impact on prices this year.
With the Magic market heating up this spring, Sig is motivated to speculate more than usual. This week he shares his favorite pick-ups and some key resources for finding ideas.
The Modern metagame, War of the Spark spoiler season, and the London mulligan are all making an impact on the Magic market this week. Adam covers the details.
We’re awash in information and spoilers from War of the Spark, and that means price movements in response. Christopher looks at the notable trends to recommend some pickups.
What is FOMO? How does it relate to MTG finance? How can we recognize it, minimize its effects, or even harness its power? Pat has got some thoughts on this one. Check it out!
Sig has noticed some cards becoming quite expensive, especially considering their absence from the Reserved List. Sig explains the trend and highlights his favorite picks.
In September 2017, Sig wrote an Insider piece highlighting the financial benefits of participating in the QS Insider Discord. This week Sig returns to the article with updated commentary.