Eddie’s back with another edition of Hold ‘Em and Fold ‘Em. It’s a Spirits and Dragons kind of week!
The newest Un-set is not without financial implications. Sig provides his thoughts on how to plan your Unstable buying and suggests specific targets based on trends from Unhinged.
In the past, some singles from un-sets have been worthless, while others are rare and valuable. Sig speculates on where money can be made upon the release of Unstable.
Admiral Beckett Brass was one of the most popular commanders on EDH REC a couple weeks ago, and has only risen in popularity. Could this be a catalyst for profits? Sig investigates.
When digging for specs, it’s easy to overlook old sets like Ice Age and Alliances. Sig touches on lesser known cards from these two sets that are worth speculating on.
Ixalan mythics seem more geared towards the casual crowd than competitive play. David considers how this might affect Standard pricing and how we should react.
Niels has some personal MTG finance rules of his own to share.
Niels is here to give us his take on every card in the Commander 2017 Dragon deck, Draconic Domination!
DJ’s back with another iteration of Breaking Bulk, making sure you know which cards not to leave behind.
The newly spoiled Solemnity may have a profound impact on older cards. Sig looks at some long-forgotten cards to see if any have potential due to their newfound synergies.
Niels takes a closer look at EDHREC.
DJ breaks down some of the top selling and buying experiences he had at 2017’s GP Vegas.