Are the Commander 2014 good buys as sealed product?
Popularity with the Commander crowd can certainly affect a card’s price, but not all Commander staples are created equal. Jason Alt looks at some key cards and explains which factors are the real determinants.
At first glance, the turnout at GP New Jersey indicates the health of Legacy. But is there more than meets the eye? This week Sigmund examines pricing trends to make his own assessment, which may be gloomier than expected.
The Commander 2014 release sported some unexpected inclusions that threw a wrench is many speculators’ plans. David Schumann takes stock of the situation and explains what we can expect from Wizards moving forward.
Jason Alt continues last week’s discussion of Commander 2014. While he doesn’t put much stock in comparisons to Mind Seize, he does believe some future value is contained in the product.
Commander 2013 experienced a radically different financial trajectory than its predecessor. Jason Alt analyzes the differences to determine which one is a better model for the coming Commander release this year.
It’s a dilemma many casual players have: do you sell when a card is at its peak price, or do you just not worry about card value and keep the cards you want to play with?
At Pro Tour KTK Wizards announced a shake up of the old FNM structure. Jason Alt looks at the possible financial impact of the changes and considers Commander specifically.
Sigmund has been experiencing a disconnect from the newest MTG set. Other than reprinted fetch lands, he just hasn’t been inspired by Khans. And that’s okay, because he still has a few targets he likes now that Khans is available.
Danny discusses the new planeswalker-commanders revealed at SDCC last weekend.
The MTG community was bombarded with new information from SDCC this past Saturday. What does it all mean? This week Sigmund digests the information and shares his initial reactions in a financial context.
After over a year of speculation, Star City Games has finally announced support for the Modern format. This week Sigmund assesses what this means for your portfolios, and how Standard, Modern and Legacy may (or may not) be impacted.
Sigmund shares an outside-the-box speculation idea…from Homelands. Before you laugh take a look at the new combo–the idea isn’t half-bad, and it might make you money.