Last year brought significant change for Sig when it comes to how he approaches Magic. Looking ahead to 2023, he shares his new priorities for the hobby.
Joe aka “Beardy” looks back at 2022, and talks about where Commander and Magic are heading in 2023. Will Magic even be recognizable given the way it’s going?
Is Commander a strictly multiplayer game, or is it just fine for dueling? Joe aka “Beardy” explores casual Duel Commander and custom Duel Deck design.
‘Tis the season! Joe aka “Beardy” discusses three of the best gifts for Magic players in this product-saturated time, as well as one to steer clear of.
Joe AKA Beardy reveals just how far a cheap eBay Commander deck can take you, delving into the age-old question of cards vs. Commander vs. card-slinger.
Find out what Joe aka “Beardy” is most thankful for ( after this year of writing for QS… and playing hundreds upon hundreds of Commander games!
This week Joe aka “Beardy” reviews the new Brothers’ War Commander decks and settles the age-old debate about who is stronger: Urza or Mishra?
Joe aka “Beardy” takes a look at the deck lists for the new starter Commander decks. Are these really for new players, or a lucrative investment opportunity?
Joe aka “Beardy” examines more cards for your Commander table, including a one-generic-mana artifact that plays the best politics and a walking Black Lotus.
30th Anniversary will upend Commander as we know it. Or it won’t because it already kind of existed. Beardy explains why it might just not be worth the worry.
Joe aka “Beardy” introduces some Halloween-based mechanics into your Commander games, including candy and points. Will these pumpkin-spice up your games?
Joe aka “Beardy” looks at the new set Unfinity and wonders if groups that previously would not play with silver border cards will now embrace “Un” cards.
Joe aka “Beardy” examines the kinds of fatigue players experience from too many new sets and shares tried-and-true methods for maintaining that Magic spark!