Obvious first and last picks have negative impacts on Cubing, and Randy Buehler got many of his updates right.
The new Legacy Cube update is straight-up insulting to hardcore fans of the format.
Broken deck is broken.
It’s possible this is the best deck in the Legacy Cube. What do you think?
For the average MTGO Cube player, it seems like Swiss drafts are better value than the single-elimination ones. Do you agree?
Want to draft better Upheaval decks? Check out this primer!
WOTC is doing a pretty good job with the MTGO cube, but the B&R announcement shows there is still much to be desired.
As we anticipate reprints, we have to decide whether to out our personal copies or hold onto them for convenience. Danny Brown offers a summary of considerations to make when looking through your cube for high-priced cards to sell.
How will you handle the update to your cube with these new off-color activation cards?
How can we convince WOTC to allow custom cubes on MTGO?
The Reserved List hinders any reasonable attempt to print a good standalone Cube product…or does it?
For the new year, Mike Lanigan offers his take on the reasons Cube draft is so great–and some of the tangential benefits that come from playing it regularly.
Ryan has performed very well at recent limited PTQs and credits this success to Cube drafting. If the fun of Cubing wasn’t enough to motivate you to try your hand at it, Ryan shares the less talked about benefits that come from Cubing regularly.