Looking for a budget option for Modern? Ryan has you covered.
Deck Overview
If you’re a fan of tedious infinite combos on Magic Online, then Ryan has the deck for you!
If you like Ben Stark Boros but wish the deck had more answers to fat monsters, then look no further than Osyp Lebedowicz’s Mardu!
Delver is nothing new in Modern. In fact, many thought the recent bannings killed it. Turns out rumors of Delver’s demise were greatly exaggerated.
Tomaharu Saito took a new take on a deck previously deemed unplayable to a 20th place finish at GP Memphis. Check out the changes he made to revitalize Monoblack Aggro!
Do you like lightning-fast aggressive decks? Do you like free spells? Do you like Death’s Shadow? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then you’ll probably enjoy this week’s deck.
A lot of familiar decks saw success at Pro Tour Fate Reforged. A few gems managed to break through though.
More and more Fate Reforged cards are making their way into Standard. Check out this list that puts the super-efficient Frost Walker to work!
With Treasure Cruise banned, Dig Through Time is seeing more Legacy play. If you’re looking to play the full four Digs, then this Grixis list is for you.
Want to draft better Upheaval decks? Check out this primer!
Is Kird Ape the truth, or was Daryl Ayers just monkeying around?