Many cards will be impacted by the release of Eternal Masters, and Modern is no exception. Alexander looks at some Modern cards to target in the lead-up.
Eternal Masters
After a brief hiatus Alexander returns to talk about Eternal Masters. He checks in with his recommended specs and discusses actions to take during SOI release events.
Budget decks on MTGO usually feature several high-demand cards that hold most of the value. Alexander explains how to apply this principle to Legacy specs before EMA.
Alexander considers some of the macro trends he expects to see leading up to Eternal Masters, before discussing the most likely reprints that are risky holds.
Ryan is lukewarm on investing in “no Reserved List” Eternal, but has some ideas on how to remedy the proposed format’s problems. It all boils down to presentation.
Chaz introduces the concept of Eternal, the newly proposed format that has become a community-driven project to solve the problems of Modern and Legacy.
David discusses the fundamental concept of risk vs. reward, and applies it to the question of investing in Legacy staples in advance of Eternal Masters.
Adam explains the impact of Eternal Masters, the cards he’s avoiding, and the cards he’s aggressively targeting in anticipation.
Brian considers what cards will appear in Eternal Masters this summer. Modern staples have a solid chance of inclusion, which carries significant financial implications.
The Eternal Masters announcement leaves a lot of questions unanswered. Ryan weighs in on the knowns and unknowns that may affect Legacy’s future.
Alexander Carl returns to QS to discuss the impact Eternal Masters will have on MTGO. This set will be a big one for market movements, so make sure you’re informed.
The newly announced Eternal Masters promises to shake up the eternal market. David presents an initial analysis of the possible inclusions and what to expect from prices.