The FRF Cheat Sheets conveniently display all of the valuable cards in the new set, ready for prerelease weekend.
Fate Reforged
It’s that time again. Corbin Hosler pores over the new set for under- and overrated cards, and offers his thoughts on the financial relevance of Fate Reforged.
Mike Lanigan presents his set review of Fate Reforged, with a Top 10 list of cards to impact Standard and Modern, as well as Honorable Mentions and some closing thoughts on finance.
If you haven’t been paying much attention, here are some tips for the Fate Reforged prerelease.
Derek takes a look at the cards in and around Fate Reforged that will have the most room for growth after the set is released.
Spoiler season is in full swing and this time there’s no dearth of exciting cards for Standard. Mike Lanigan goes down the line and shares his thoughts on possible applications for the new cards.
Adam shares two exciting Modern brews that make great use of the Fate Reforged spoiler Monastery Mentor!