All good things come to and end, and Season 2 is no different. Join the crew one last time (For now!) as they close out with a bang and a contest winner!
Content in this category will be “featured” in the image swapper.
Hybrid cards and the “color identity” problem. Jules argues for another paradigm shift in Commander decks!
This week Jay brings you even more tables of prices and recommendations for middle-aged preconstructed decks! Anyone stocking up or shipping out should take note!
What makes a Group Hug deck tick? Which cards and effects are the most vital? And, if desired, how do you go about winning? Robert has all this, and more!
With a tale of two Commander decks, Neale shares everything that’s right and wrong in Commander!
Take command of your commute, air waves, or listening device: Andy and the crew are back for the call-in episode extravaganza! It’s awesome!
In a singleton format, why does everyone’s deck look the same? This HAS to be fixed.
Spoiler Alert: Jay rocks the data tables of prices, vendors, and methods for picking up your modern precon decks!
Prisoner’s Dilemma and Group Hugs. Multiplayer theory is a fickle mistress.
Competitive Commander. Neale is no oxymoron, and these six decks are out to kill you. Find out what they are and how to stop them!