Admiral Beckett Brass was one of the most popular commanders on EDH REC a couple weeks ago, and has only risen in popularity. Could this be a catalyst for profits? Sig investigates.
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Failed specs may sting, but they can be an opportunity to learn. David looks at his specs from last Standard season that didn’t pan out to draw lessons for next time.
Jake and Joel coming at you with today’s episode!
Magic Online results paint a picture of the metagame evolved from the World Championship, and Adam explores what it means for the market…
Mike provides a classic “pics” article with his ten selections for underrated Standard cards as we move into the new post-Ixalan environment.
Matthew Lewis presents the MTGO Market Report for this week, evaluating important events in the online market and highlighting a “trade of the week.”
The Magic World Championship showcased two known decks alongside newcomer UB Control. Brian surveys the emerging meta and considers speculation targets.
Kyle breaks down the differences and similarities that Ixalan has compared to other recent sets. How can we leverage this information? He’s got some ideas for that as well.
Modern has been overshadowed by the growth in Commander and Old School of late. This week Sig investigates the format to see if there are any good bets to be made.
Adrian’s back with some high-level analysis of common trends in the MTGO financial metagame.
After starting his TCGplayer seller account in January, David has learned a lot about selling on the platform. He shares lessons learned on how to make the best of the service.
Chaz provides last minute thoughts on Worlds 2017 for Insiders Only!
A weekend of SCG and online events have put the post-rotation Ixalan Standard metagame into focus…