Chaz covers things to come in October, analyzing Theros block and M15 and looking to the future of rotation–plus another handy Trader Tools list!
Journey Into Nyx
December is usually a time when the Standard metagame is well defined and cards from the most recent fall set are at their lowest. Sylvain discusses a list of ten cards worth being on your radar for 2015.
Khans of Tarkir is generating a lot of hype for the fall. Some cards are on the move based on this anticipated hype. This week Sigmund looks at the recent movers and outlines his suggested strategy based on these new prices.
With M15 released on MTGO, M15, JOU and THS boosters have shown tremendous gains as booster specs. Sylvain discusses his spec with M15 boosters and invites speculators to (re)consider boosters in the future–especially with Khans of Tarkir coming up.
For speculators, the new core set release is often a sign of good opportunity. Sylvain reviews what he thinks might be worth picking up in Theros block, Modern and Vintage during the upcoming M15 release events.
Corbin Hosler checks in with his set review of Journey Into Nyx to see how his predictions fared this go-around.
Catch the results of the 2014 Grand Prix São Paulo? Reuben shares a bit of history regarding last weekends results.
Taking a break from his portfolio management series, Sylvain reflects on the success of his block speculation surrounding the recent Pro Tour Journey Into Nyx. How did the PT affect the online market?
If Elspeth is so powerful in R/G Monsters in Block, why not jam her in the Standard equivalent? Mike Lanigan makes the case for a Standard port of R/G Elspeth.
While Block Pro Tours are not a perfect predictor of post-rotation Standard, they can still provide valuable insights. Danny Brown looks to Atlanta to see what lessons we can draw this year.
The Pro Tour is right on our heels, which has Corbin thinking about Journey Into Nyx’s impact. Don’t be caught unaware this weekend!