Chroberry and MTGJoeD discuss the new Standard meta, Commander Legends updates, Secret Lair analysis, and more!
Welcome back to the QS Insider Podcast! Chris O’Berry and Joe Davidson discuss new Standard, leaks and rumors from Commander Legends, Eternal Weekend featuring Legacy, and more!
Chroberry and MTGJoeD discuss new Standard specs, more Secret Lair: The Walking Dead stuff, and more!
Zendikar Rising is one of those rare Standard sets that has more than just a few cards with eternal format potential. Joe walks us through five cards he’s got an eye on when considering the future of Modern and Legacy.
In response to The Professor at Tolarian Community College’s recent video on the Reserved List, David provides his perspective on the subject and why he disagrees.
With COVID-19 halting paper events, vendors need to find alternate ways of restocking cards. Star City Games and ChannelFireball have been touting their buylist pretty hard lately. But can their prices compete with Card Kingdom and ABUGames? This week Sig investigates!
The COVID-19 government checks are providing cash to players itching to buy Magic cards. But Sig believes Ikoria may the greatest catalysts for MTG finance in quite some time. This week he touches on the numerous formats impacted by this set.
Ikoria has changed Magic as we know it with its Companion cards – and it’s importance for the market can not be understated.
Monday’s update to the Banned and Restricted list, has impacted the market of multiple formats, and today Adam shares some winners from the changes.
Sam’s back from his hiatus to analyze the post-ban landscape! Find out what he’s been up to, and where he finds himself in the current Magic market.
Theros Beyond Death’s broken Thassa’s Oracle and Underworld Breach have taken over every metagame – and the market.
The Pioneer market has slowed down after the Players Tour, but there are still spec targets hiding in this and every other format if you know how to look for them.
Kyle goes through Theros Beyond Death’s setlist and shows us what cards we’ll want to target for the upcoming metagame and MTGO Redemption season.