Beardy’s testing has revealed which Commander Clash: March of the Machine decks triumph over the rest, and the ingredients needed to maximize them.
Not long ago, it seemed everyone was clamoring for cheaper Magic cards. They’re here, but everyone isn’t thrilled? This week Sig investigates this trend.
Last year brought significant change for Sig when it comes to how he approaches Magic. Looking ahead to 2023, he shares his new priorities for the hobby.
Tony attended a Store Championship this past weekend playing one of his pet decks. Did a Yorion-less format help him succeed? Come and find out!
Joe aka “Beardy” examines more cards for your Commander table, including a one-generic-mana artifact that plays the best politics and a walking Black Lotus.
30th Anniversary will upend Commander as we know it. Or it won’t because it already kind of existed. Beardy explains why it might just not be worth the worry.
Tony chats with Matt, a frequent player at Hero’s Hearth. Join us as he shares his experiences with Magic and what playing the game means to him.
Tony’s shining a spotlight on another local game store: Gem City Games in Dayton, OH. How do they get the gathering together and make the Magic happen?
This week Tony shares the follow-up Commander game with a group of never-met friends and concludes on how familiarity impacts the gameplay experience.
This week Tony shares an interesting Commander game with a group of familiar friends and ponders how familiarity impacts the gameplay experience.
Joe aka “Beardy” talks about relative power level in Commander and how much it varies from place to place. Should you bring potentially OP decks to new venues?
Beardy takes a look at some multi-player Magic formats that play well with a Commander spin. Is one of these right to shake up your next Commander night?
Tax season is upon us in the US. David does a deep dive on taxes related to online sellers, and some tips for the year ahead.