Looking to gain the upper hand in your M15 Limited matchups? Danny goes over the instant-speed spells with convoke that may just be waiting to blow you out.
Today Mike Lanigan wraps up his review of M15 for Standard and Constructed playability, covering red, black, colorless and gold cards.
Adam breaks down the entire M15 spoiler and identifies what cards are most likely to see play in Standard sideboards!
It’s time for the prerelease overview of M15! Corbin Hosler covers the cards that will be on his radar this weekend, along with predictions about where he sees them settling.
Mike Langian continues his review of M15 for Standard, covering blue and white. Be sure to tune in next week for the final section!
The fifteen mythics of M15 are now revealed, and they aren’t like anything we have seen before. Sylvain discusses the major differences compared to the three previous core sets. Will it impact speculation on MTGO?