As Magic prices continue to drop, Sig is tempted to buy a few cards to bet on a rebound. He needs to be careful; this is akin to catching a falling knife.
Magic Card Market Theory
His timing isn’t perfect, but Sig feels ready to finally cut back on his collection. This week he shares the four main reasons for this decision.
30th Anniversary will upend Commander as we know it. Or it won’t because it already kind of existed. Beardy explains why it might just not be worth the worry.
Sig shares a few signals he’s recently observed of weakness in the Magic market.
In any sort of investing, it’s important to define key terms in order to make sense of and properly evaluate investment opportunities. David outlines these key terms, and how they relate to Magic.
COVID-19 has forced temporary suspension of many large Magic vendor operations. This week Sig reports on which vendors are closed, which are still open for business, and how he’s shopping during this tumultuous time.
Asset prices are dropping everywhere. Cash is king. This week Sig examines a strategy whereby he’s raising cash from Magic sales to fund investments in other depressed asset classes. The result will be lower Magic prices, so you should be aware of the trend.
The one-week rule is handy when trying to navigate buyouts on newer cards. But what about the much older, rarer Reserved List cards? MTG finance buyouts can disrupt an RL card’s price for months. Fortunately, Sig has some good news to share in this week’s edition of “Beating the Buyouts”.
Buyouts will never cease to exist; it’s inherent to the game’s economy. But after last week’s column on the backlash of MTG finance, Sig expands upon this series by sharing a strategy to help combat these buyouts.
Last week, alleged Modern Horizons leaks led to a spike in Flusterstorm. This sparked controversy within the community, with much of the blame falling upon “MTG finance”. This week Sig examines the history of MTG finance and shares his stance on how it does (or doesn’t) impact card prices.
Several stores online have begun charging sales tax on Magic singles, with major implications for speculators. Christopher discusses his strategy to address the cost increase.
MTGO took a hit with the introduction of Arena, but the economy seems to be stabilizing. Kyle surveys the broad contours of the new landscape to start forming an investment strategy.
David does a cross-store comparison of retail prices for three formats to see where the best trade-in values lie.