

You hear that? That’s the sound of Snapcaster Mage hitting the $80 mark. Oblivion Stone hitting $50. Huntmaster of the Fells tripling in price. The Modern market’s recent meltdown depresses a lot of players, but in me, it breeds excitement. This is where the action’s at! Modern’s never been more alive, as evidenced by the […]

If someone told right now that my weekend had suddenly freed up, I’d snag airplane tickets and be down in Charlotte faster than the average Infect game. But it’s probably for the best. The world isn’t ready to feel the wrath of Puresteel Paladin or Griselbrand+Blood Moon just yet. Which is really another way of saying […]

I’m not going to Grand Prix Charlotte this weekend, but if I were, I’d be playing Blood Moon. Moon is one of those bizarre 8th and 9th Edition holdouts from an earlier era of design: unique, powerful, and totally out of line with contemporary development principles. It’s in the same category as Choke, Ensnaring Bridge, Storage […]

Every format has its pillars. These decks might not always be the most-played or even the best lists in their respective formats, but they are ones you have to expect and respect going into any serious tournaments. Recent Standard seasons have seen Abzan Midrange and Mono Black Devotion fill these slots, just as Legacy continues […]

Hello again to all you Nexus readers and Modern players! In our announcement last week, I talked about some changes to the site and our short and long-term goals moving ahead. A big part of this is continuing to provide you quality Modern content, which means bringing on writers to ensure regular articles and diverse viewpoints. […]

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