

I often hear Modern players complain Wizards isn’t throwing us enough new cards. But seriously, have they visited Tarkir recently? Between Siege Rhino and Tasigur, the Golden Fang, Atarka’s Command and Monastery Swiftspear, the Onslaught fetchlands, Collected Company, and a card so good it got banned in Legacy and restricted in Vintage, Tarkir block felt like a Return […]

Editor’s Note: Jordan Boisvert took down the 5/24 Starcitygames Premier IQ in Worcester with an innovative take on Temur Delver. In this article, Jordan explains the deck, its history, its gameplay, and how you can take “Monkey Grow” to top 8 finishes of your own! Remember playing Pokemon and casting multiple Bills in a turn? […]

Hello Nexus readers and Modern community! As many of you have probably noticed, it’s later in the day and no article has been published yet. We recently underwent some staff transitions and today was the day to get things switched over and make sure the transition went smoothly. As Sean announced yesterday on Facebook and […]

It’s a great time to be a Modern player, and as the summer starts, there’s a lot to look forward to. The offseason is almost over! Modern Masters 2015 is driving down prices! GPs, IQs, and PPTQs are coming! New decks are everywhere! With all these factors at play, it’s more important than ever to check […]

Yesterday I took to the Modern Masters 2015 draft queues to try out the new format with a 6-2-2-2 / three round Swiss draft. I faced off against a Jund Wither deck, Affinity, and a strange but explosive Grixis Wildfire deck. [wp_ad_camp_1] See below for what happened. As I say in the videos, I’m very […]

The Deep Dive dataset is back! In three earlier articles, I analyzed a collection of MTGO dailies to determine the matchups and win rates of different top-tier decks. Unlike the publicly published MTGO dailies used to inform the Top Decks page, our Deep Dive dataset includes all finishes from a sample of dailies, not just the 4-0/3-1 ones. It also includes […]

Last week I brewed up a synergistic Vampires list based off Tom Ross’. Today I put it to the test in the tournament practice room on Magic Online. Here’s the list: [wp_ad_camp_1] Vampires by Sean Ridgeley Creatures4 Bloodghast4 Gatekeeper of Malakir4 Kalastria Highborn4 Vampire Nocturnus4 Viscera SeerSpells4 Sign in Blood3 Victim of Night3 Inquisition of […]

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