

Back in March, Team Pantheon’s Reid Duke — a known Legacy Pox player — developed his personal take on Modern’s discard deck 8Rack. [wp_ad_camp_1]   You can see his list below. 8Rack by Reid Duke Planeswalkers4 Liliana of the VeilSpells4 The Rack4 Shrieking Affliction4 Dismember4 Inquisition of Kozilek4 Raven’s Crime4 Smallpox4 Thoughtseize4 Wrench Mind Lands16 […]

May is here and that means we are a few weeks closer to Modern Masters 2015, a month closer to the sweet GP blitz of June, and ready for another metagame update from Modern Nexus. My last metagame update, covering the 3/1-4/1 period, saw subtle metagame changes including downticks in Abzan, Twin, and Burn, the beginning […]

Stompy, like Elves, is one of those archetypes that lends itself extremely well to variation. Sure, it’s (mostly) just a dumb aggro deck, but with it you can go 1-2cmc only, go all in on counters, go all in on speed, and try many other things. Today I’ll be exploring a few of the routes […]

One of the more frustrating limitations of Wizards-published dailies is the lack of matchup information. You get lists, you get standings, you get win percentages, but you don’t actually know which decks beat which decks en route to their finish. This is fine if you just want to describe the Modern metagame, but far less helpful […]

Last month I brewed up a Bant Slivers list; this month I put it through the initial trials in the Magic Online tournament practice room to see if it’s good enough for dailies and to see what changes need to be made. The list is the same as before except with an initial sideboard draft […]

May is coming in a few days, which means it’s time to start preparing for summer. For some of us, this meas  breaking out the sandals and pumping up your bike tires. But for you Modern players out there, it should mean getting ready for the Grand Prix blitz that is coming in June. And […]

R/W Control is a rogue archetype in Modern that probably hasn’t been explored nearly as much as it should. The basic idea behind the deck is to include removal and wrath like Jeskai Control, but eschew counter magic for lock pieces and/or hate cards, which is highly enjoyable for people like me that love the […]

You can’t play Modern without hearing about the “Bolt Test”. If a card or deck is soft to the format’s most efficient removal spell, then it might not be a good choice for Modern. The Bolt Test is a big reason otherwise decent creatures, like Figure of Destiny or Vampire Nighthawk, don’t really see Modern play. […]

8Rack is a reasonably strong Modern discard deck that straight up wrecks certain metas, and provides one of the few, good means of playing “hard” control in this format. However, it costs about $700. So maybe you can’t afford it, maybe you’re unsure if it’s your thing or not and just want to test the […]

Delver lives. As anyone who has been playing MTGO, following the results of SCG and TCG States events, or reading this site knows, the rumors of Delver’s death have been greatly exaggerated. Although the traditional UR Delver deck did fade into obscurity following the (in)famous banning of Treasure Cruise, another Delver and another delve card […]

Dragons of Tarkir brought us Avatar of the Resolute to brew Stompy with, and Collected Company to brew Elves with, but there’s plenty more work to do. Today I’m going to put together a Bant goodstuff list built in part around Ojutai’s Command. If you love powerhouse creatures and versatile instants, this article is for […]

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