COVID-19 has forced temporary suspension of many large Magic vendor operations. This week Sig reports on which vendors are closed, which are still open for business, and how he’s shopping during this tumultuous time.
Online marketplaces
Enough warning can never be given when it comes to counterfeits–they will always be a risk to Magic economy’s health. By being more savvy when shopping for high-end cards, and avoiding certain traps, one can avoid much of the counterfeit risk that haunts Magic.
Differentiator – one that shows a contrasting element that distinguishes. What sets your store apart from everyone else? David offers his insights.
Jeremy makes his QS debut, outlining three missteps many players make when increasing collection value is the goal.
Chris makes his QS debut with an insider’s analysis of Stoneforge Mystic and its cyclical price history.
After a year spent building his online inventory, David has learned several invaluable lessons about the buying process. Today he shares the pitfalls he encountered.
At Gencon last weekend, Sig had the opportunity to profit from an Insider tip about a store’s booth. The result caused Sig to reconsider how he approaches some of his buying.
Navigating the different fee structures for selling cards on each online marketplace can get complicated. David breaks down the numbers to see which service offers the best value.